Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Why Colin Cowherd Is What's Wrong With Sports

So, I woke up this morning with every anticipation of writing an article analyzing the fall of Charlie Weis and Notre Dame. I was going to go over the failure of the Weis Era, and more importantly, the fact that Notre Dame is no longer a premier program. You hear that all the time, but did you know that ND hasn't finished in the AP Top 5 since 1993?! Maybe that article will come some day, but then, like all good writers do, I got some inspiration this morning... here now is the Cowherd/Mangino/Empowerment article you're dying for...

I have to rant about our favorite punching bag Colin Cowherd. Sure, it's one thing to criticize his love for USC and Mark Sanchez, that's fun and games, but what I heard this morning was ridiculous. Evidently there is trouble around Kansas' Mark Mangino and allegations that he grabbed a player and has demeaned players in several ways. Of course, if those allegations are true, then Mangino should probably get the can. A caller called in to The Herd to talk about Mangino's weight and how that would lead to the problems at KU. Cowherd took this opportunity to sensationalize and say that Mangino's "low self-worth" would lead him to this aggressive behavior. So yes, all fat people, no matter how much success they have... have low self-worth. That's mature. And it's not just fat people that have "low self-worth," it's people who write in to radio shows and care too much about their teams too, don't worry, The Herd didn't forget you.

That may be one of the most offensive statements I have ever heard.

Where was Colin Cowherd when Mark Mangino won Coach of the Year 2 years ago?? Did he have a "low self-worth" when he led Kansas to a BCS Bowl Game? This is pathetic. For someone who prides themselves on being ahead of the curve and thinking outside the box... going back to someone's weight to address their issues is something I would expect out of the 2nd graders I tutor. Grow up.

I wrote that and then thought to myself, gee Matt, aren't you a big man for calling out some radio host on a blog... why don't you do something about it yourself and at least write in if you're such a tough guy... so, I did!

"I was incredibly offended when you talked with a caller about Mark Mangino today and his "low self-worth" because of his weight. Where was this discussion when he was named Coach of the Year? Were you talking about his low self-worth and obesity then? Is it only when Mangino is in trouble that his weight becomes an issue? For someone who shouts from the rooftops how progressive they are, discriminating against people that are overweight in such a fashion is deplorable. This is hypocrisy in its worst form.

Then, you couldn't stop there, and had to mention that those fans that write in to you who care enough about their teams to defend them have a "low self-worth" as well (specifying Columbus ironically enough). I've never written in to a radio show before, but I figure I'll be boxed into that group of people with "low self-worth" and this e-mail will be tossed in the trash. But I hope that someone who cares enough about sports and decency will have a read and take note of this pathetic behavior. Don't bother reading this on the air, I won't be listening."

So get out there and take a stand whenever you feel someone or something is wronged! Don't just sit on your couch and complain, try to make a difference! Don't forget that without those crazy sports fans and their voices, guys like Cowherd would be bagging groceries. (Wow, that was actually more empowering than I thought it would be). It's one thing to make a fat joke here and there, but to make a direct correlation between someone's job performance or personality and their weight is a bridge too far. That kind of behavior gets into discriminatory territory. I don't care what height, weight, color, nationality, personality, or whatever you are... that makes no difference on job performance or what kind of behavior is considered decent, sports or otherwise.

The great thing about sports is that it takes away all of those aspects about society that tear people down and apart. The only question that matters is can you get the job done or not? In sports, people find redemption, people find community, people find fulfillment in life. Forgive me for getting too Disneyfied, but sports is where these things that drive people apart don't matter. I feel like there should be a Remember The Titans clip playing right now... thank you Youtube!

So don't listen to those idiotic, hypocritic voices out there in the talking head sports universe. With Thanksgiving around the corner, remember why you are so thankful that you are a sports fan. The unbridled joy, the community, the distractions from daily life, heck, even the last second losses. I know this morning made me thankful that I'm a sports fan, so that I know crap when I hear it. The bottom line is, I don't care if the football coach or players of my favorite team are white, black, hispanic, overweight, anorexic, republican, democrat, or independent: if they win, I love them, if they are knuckleheads... then I'll cheer for the next guys in line. Whew, I thought I would save all of my preaching for the pulpit some day.

So am I nuts or are you now empowered to take a stand yourself? Let us know what you think about the Mangino episode, your irrational hatred of Colin Cowherd and other media morons, inspirational sports moments, or whatever else is on your mind in the comments section below!


Will Yoder said...

This is easily the best thing ever appearing on RSS

t wolf said...

you must understand that Cowherd is
a privileged insider who has a
superior insight or knowledge that
surpasses us ignorant dumb sports
fans that live in a world of blind
ignorance and loyalty,he has risen
above the antagonisms and uses this
special knowledge to show us how stupid we are,the real fact is that
Cowherd does not want to emotionally
attach himself to anything because
by declaring his loyalty he puts
himself in a position of possible failure,as man of privilege though
he will never understand the essence of sports,conflict,over
coming obstables and the feeling
of accomplishment that makes life
worth living as a real person

MJenks said...

I think I'm going to write to my local ESPN affiliate and tell them that I will no longer be listening to their show while Cowherd is on. And then, I'll figure out what advertisers buy space on his show, and write to them and tell them that I will no longer be buying their products while they sponsor this assbag (in kinder words, of course).

I think you can make this into a grass-roots movement. I want Cowherd bagging groceries by this time next year.

Mr. Yoder I said...

"Thank you for your RadioShack Inbox submission to ESPN Radio. Your feedback has been sent to your favorite sports experts at ESPN. We appreciate you being a loyal listener and providing us with your responses. Selected questions or comments will be read on the air, so be sure to tune in because we may choose yours. Remember, for breaking sports news, trust ESPN Radio, and for leading brand electronics, trust RadioShack."

That's the response I got from ESPN. You know, we take your concerns seriously, by the way, have you shopped at Radioshack recently?

I'm afraid it would take an Obama-esque grass roots operation to oust this bozo. The best way to get him off the air? Wait until he finally self-implodes, or tell everyone you know to tune him out. At least talk to your local radio station and get him off your affiliate, that would have much more success than knocking on Bristol's door. Maybe there will come a day when bloggers across the universe can unite and rectify the wrongs of the world, maybe someday...

Mr. Yoder II said...

Of all the irrational, irresponsible, narcissistic talking heads on ESPN Cowherd is the worst. He thinks he's the smartest, most well-connected person in the world of sports. While I didn't hear what he said about Mangino, this is prejudice and discrimination at its most basic levels. If he said the same derogatory things about someone's gender, religion, etc. he would surely be suspended.

I also agree something should be done, not just for his insulting views of overweight people, but his condescending attitude towards his "fans" outside of Dallas, New England, and the West Coast. Write ESPN's Ombudsman and also write your local affiliate to get this clown off the air. Yes We Can!!

Anonymous said...

Don Ohlmeyer. ESPN Ombudsman. E-mail furiously. The Herd must be stopped. This is not the first time he has done actions that are horrendous. The Sean Taylor murder is especially the worst; the man speaks in regards to topics which he doesn't have facts to support his ascertations. I motion for the creation of a web petition to fire Cowherd. Gentlemen of RSS, when this petition gets created, send it to your fellow blog sites and hopefully it spreads like wildfire. WE SHALL PRESEVERE!

- Brother Yohey

Anonymous said...

I shall create a Facebook Group as well as start the movement on Twitter!

- Brother Yohey

Anonymous said...

Dear Author !
I think, that you are mistaken.

Anonymous said...

I want to quote your post in my blog. It can?
And you et an account on Twitter?