Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What Are the Odds? - Where Will LeBron James Sign?

Of course, the biggest story in sports right now is the future of Cavs star LeBron James. Will he stay in Cleveland? Will he leave for "greener pastures" of the bigger tv markets? While there'll be more time to discuss the ridiculousness of this circus and LeBron's legacy in Cleveland after another disappointment, it's time to get an initial lay of the free agent land. So, here's our first crack at predicting where the King will rest his throne next season.

Cleveland: 2-1
-Everyone on either coast has already written the latest sad chapter of Cleveland sports with LeBron's departure. In fact, I myself made the case last summer that LeBron should leave the Cavs for the benefit of both himself and the city. Here's an excerpt from Part I and Part II:

Why as a franchise invest your livelihood into someone with one foot in Cleveland and one foot in the open market? If you are a teammate, why would you give your all to a team leader who isn't committed to the franchise after the current season; a leader who thus far, has been unable to lead his team to a title and has shown questionable judgment in the face of adversity. Why as a fan rest your hopes and dreams on someone who is not 100% tied to staying until the job is done; who, even if he signs an extension, will always be tempted by the brighter lights of a bigger stage?

To put it bluntly, the Cavs and the fans of Cleveland are hostages of the King, with no choice but to submit to his will, or risk losing him. If that's the case, would losing him really be the worst thing to happen to Cleveland?

But, after the emotion of another early playoff exit settles, LeBron and his "team" (which by the way really would make me mad as a Cavs fan that LeBron seemed more in tune with his team of cronies than his basketaball team) might realize they have it pretty good in Cleveland. Remember, before their postseason collapse, all the talk was about the Cavs depth and versatility and how this was the most talent ever around LBJ. Just because Mike Brown was exposed again as a terrible coach and his star player quit doesn't mean the talent around LeBron has gotten worse. If the Cavs allow LeBron to appoint his next coach and also have even more input on other decisions, the smart money is on his staying in Cleveland, even though it might be the wrong decision for both the King and the Cavs.

Chicago: 6-1
-The Bulls have clearly emerged as the favorite to steal LeBron away from the Cavs because of their talented youngsters, namely Derrick Rose. But, look closer. Is a supporting cast of Rose, Noah, Luol Deng, and Taj Gibson really that much better than what's in Cleveland now? Why would another team help the Bulls sign LeBron and another free-agent by taking on Kirk Hinrich? It seems to me the more you think about the Bulls, the less attractive an option it becomes for LBJ, especially trying to follow in the footsteps of that Jordan guy. Still, going to Chicago with the ability to possibly recruit a hand-picked coach, another high-profile free-agent, and a young All-Star PG might be too good to pass up.

L.A. Clippers: 15-2
-The real dark horse in the entire LeBron sweepstakes has to be the Clippers. They're currently without a coach, which frees them to take on sudden LeBron lackey Coach Cal. Heck, maybe World Wide Wes can be the new GM, too. But, in all seriousness, this is a team that has just as much talent in a potential supporting cast as any other suitor with the likes of Eric Gordon, Baron Davis, and, don't laugh, Chris Kaman. Also, the appeal of making a winner out of one of the worst franchises in sports might be tempting for the King. Also, he'll get the chance to upstage Kobe Bryant in the same town on a nightly basis. Remember how Kobe and LeBron took it personally to upstage each other when playing in MSG the last two seasons? Imagine that competition 41 times a year! And of course, being in L.A. might be a smarter choice for someone who is interested as much in being a celebrity as being a champion.

New Jersey/Newark/Brooklyn Nets: 15-1
-If we're talking two or three years from now, the Nets might be considered the clear favorite. With the unlimited capital of their crazy Russian Billionaire Owner and his boy Jay-Z as a part-owner, the world would be at King James's feet. However, even if the Nets get John Wall in the lottery, the talent on the team is still a few years away. Although they have some nice pieces (Devin Harris, Courtney Lee, Brook Lopez) they're still a very young team devoid of talent. Does anyone remember the Nets were flirting with all-time futility this year? There's no way LeBron would be close to a title next year with the Nets. But, don't be surprised that LeBron's deal somewhere else has an opt-out after 3 or 4 years so he can hook up with the Brooklyn Nets.

Miami Heat: 19-1
-While South Beach and D-Wade are enticing, again, this seems to be a square peg into a round hole. First, Miami, while great for partying, is one of the worst sports cities in the country. Not even LeBron could help fill the seats in South Florida. Second, because LeBron and D-Wade are both so great, they would be a terrible combination together. Both are best dominating the ball, taking it to the hoop. Neither would be comfortable taking wide-open jumpers set-up by the other. The Heat aren't a serious contender for a long-term relationship, they're just an attractive girl worth flirting with at the bar.

New York Knicks: 40-1
-The saddest of all suitors, your New York Knicks! A team that has practically ruined its last several seasons all for a shot at LeBron James. As my bro pointed out last week, the allure of the New York market is completely irrelevant in every place outside New York. LeBron doesn't need New York to become a global brand, he needs championships. And even a combination of LeBron and Free Agent X wouldn't be enough to help the Knicks back to the playoffs, let alone a title. That's right, they're that bad. If LeBron does end up with the Knicks, he should reconsider who's running his other team.

Kentucky Wildcats: 200-1
-So I hear LeBron wants to play for John Calipari, so why not go to Coach Cal instead of bringing Coach Cal to fail once again in the NBA. LeBron might find it easier to win a Final Four title than an NBA Championship. I'm sure World Wide Wes can grease the appropriate wheels with the NCAA to take care of that pesky college eligibility issue, too. Hey, stranger things have happened, right?

That's our first guess on the odds for LeBron's ultimate destination, what are your predictions for his long, strange trip? Also, stay tuned for our extensive World Cup Preview Series and our continuing playoff coverage. And, oh yes, we'll make sure to keep tabs on the likes of LeBron and Tiger, too. Until next time, it's bye for now!

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